Credential Hotline

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Volunteer Credentialing Hotline: 1-844-CALLDOH (225-5364)

Posted on: September 8th, 2017

Health Care Practitioners around the country have responded to the emergency situation in Florida created by Hurricane Irma. Hospitals that may have staffing difficulties due to the emergency have expressed interest in having these practitioners made available to them. The Department of Health offers its assistance in verifying credentials of these volunteers. Once verified, the department can assist in the registration of the volunteer in accordance with Governor Rick Scott’s Executive Order declaring a state of emergency re: Hurricane Irma # 2017-235.

To request verification, please contact the department at 1-844-CALLDOH (225-5364).Have ready the volunteer’s full name, license number, name of the jurisdiction in which they are licensed, and SSN. We recommend that you keep a photocopy or electronic copy of these documents and a copy of the volunteer's photo identification.