New Board Members Handbook

22 New Board Members Handbook 2. Section 2 **Reimbursable Travel Expenses being claimed – supply receipts a Hotel – cost of hotel (if not covered under DOH contract) b Airfare of commercial carrier i Submit signed receipt. E-tickets are NOT an acceptable form of receipt. If a change was made to your original reservation, you must submit the original and the changed reservation receipts. ii State prefers using air transportation for travel over 300 miles one-way. You must obtain permission from the executive director of the board office which you are traveling for. iii If utilizing a commercial carrier, purchase the lowest available airfare. There is not a state term contract for commercial airlines. c Rental Car i The State prefers the use of our contracted vendor, ENTERPRISE. ii The State will reimburse the cost of a compact (Type 2) vehicle rental. Valid justification is required for rental of a larger class vehicle. iii Submit signed and dated receipt for car rental showing actual cost and pickup and return dates and time. d Fuel – Cost of Fuel (only reimbursed when using rental car) i Submit signed and dated fuel receipts. e Parking (Self ) i The State only reimburses for self-parking unless valid justification is provided for utilizing valet parking (i.e. physical disability, only method of parking available, etc.). If claiming physical disability, you must supply a doctor ’s note in order for F&A to process this for payment f Tolls Paid i Submit actual tolls receipt or SUNPASS ledger from SUNPASS account showing tolls paid for dates of travel. g Checked Baggage Costs to Airlines Submit actual receipt showing cost of checked baggage h Portage – Tips (Number of bags must be included) i Luggage handling at hotel, airport, etc. – limited to $1.00 per piece. No receipt required. (Justification: 3 bags at 1.00 each = $3.00) i Cab Fare i Submit dated and signed receipts with explanation (airport to hotel, hotel to airport). j Board business calls or faxes made. k Other: Specify any other expenses being claimed 7.2 Things to Know Prior to travel, board offices process an “Authorization to Incur Travel” for all board meetings to obtain approval for all travel expenses. Upon receipt of all required documentation, the OSS staff will validate requested reimbursement amounts against the approved “Authorization to Incur Travel”. If there are inconsistencies, without valid justification, be - tween the amount being claimed for reimbursement by traveler and the approved expenses, the authorized amount will govern. Board member and board staff shall be notified in those instances by OSS staff. If you are traveling prior to or beyond the approved time, please obtain prior approval and provide a justification. Meals The traveler will receive reimbursement for meals, on a set rate, during travel based on the departure and return time of a travel event. It is not necessary for travelers to submit meal receipts to claim reimbursement for meals. Time criteria and meal allowances are defined as follows: