New Board Members Handbook

New Board Members Handbook 21 7.1 Traveler/Board Member Responsibility Traveler has 10 days from the conclusion of travel to provide the required reimbursement documentation to the Operational Support Services (OSS) unit. The OSS unit then has 3 days after receiving the reimbursement documentation to process and forward to Finance and Accounting to insure a timely reimbursement warrant is issued to the traveler. All documents are required at the time the reimbursement package is submitted to avoid delays. Board Member Signatures – After the reimbursement voucher is completed by an OSS staff member, he/she will email the voucher, in PDF format, to the board members for their signature. Upon receipt, the board member will need to sign the voucher, scan it, and return the signed voucher to: . MQA – Authorized Travel Reimbursement Summary Form (Attachment 1): Board members must complete and sign this form indicating all reimbursable expenses: 1. MQA - Authorized Travel Reimbursement Summary Form 1. Section 1 a Name b SSN (last 4 digits only) c Address to receive correspondence d Phone Number (if any problems arise processing your reimbursement) e Location of Meeting (City) f Dates of Meeting g Departure Date h Departure Time (Time you left your office or home) i Return Date j Return Time (Time you arrived at your office or home) k Use of privately owned vehicle? (POV) i If traveler uses their privately owned vehicle, a Rental Car vs POV Worksheet will be completed by OSS staff to determine the most cost-effective method of travel (Rental car or POV) and whether a deduction is necessary to the total reimbursement amount claimed. If using a POV is not a savings to the State, the traveler will be reimbursed the lesser amount. 7. Travel Reimbursements 7.1 Traveler/Board Member Responsibility 7.2 Things to Know 7.3 Travel Reimbursement Summary Form 7.4 Travel Guide