New Board Members Handbook

14 New Board Members Handbook Prosecution Services Unit Once the investigation is complete, the investigative report is sent to the Prosecution Services Unit (PSU). n An attorney (and sometimes a consultant) reviews the report and a recommendation is drafted for the probable cause panel (PCP). n The case is presented to the PCP who decides if probable cause exists to believe a violation has occurred. Where do complaints come from? People n Consumers n Licensees n Consultants, Experts, and Attorneys n Other Agency investigators (DCF, MFCU, AHCA) n Hospital Staff, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Long Term Care Facilities n Inspections and other internal sources n Good Samaritans, researchers, and activists n Media Analyst Reports n Closed Medical Malpractice Claims n Adverse Incident Reports (Code 15, Nursing Home, Assisted Living Facility) n Hospital Discipline Reports (Peer Review) n Other Agency mandates (State and Federal) n Fingerprint Hits n Special Emergency Actions (3 in 5, 4 or more ptn) n Internal Error Audits n Insurance Agencies How are complaints assigned? n Complaints go through an intake process where they are triaged for priority, assigned to an investigator or analyst based upon board assignment and rotation, and entered into our database by our Administrative Support Team n CSU has 19 investigators and analysts, each of whom analyzes and works complaints for several boards Complaint Priorities n Priority 1, 2 or 3: CSU must analyze complaint and initiate investigation, closure, or request additional information within 24 hours. n Priority 4 or 5: CSU must analyze complaint and initiate investigation, closure or request of additional information within 8 days Priority Investigation Timeframe Used to seek Emergency Suspension Orders through our EAU n Priority 1 Investigations: CSU/ISU must complete analysis and investigation within 7 days. n Priority 2 or 3 Investigations: CSU/ISU must complete analysis and investigation within 14 days. n Priority 4 or 5 Investigations: CSU/ISU must complete investigation within 90 days.