New Board Member Handbook

2.4 Meeting Procedure Members should arrive to the meeting location 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. This allows time for setup and to become familiar with the meeting room. At the start of the meeting, the Chair will discuss key points and make introductions. n Call to order n Roll call n Pledge to the allegiance of the flag (optional) n Introduction of any special guests n Instructions to those appearing n Reminders to those in attendance n Announcement for breaks or lunch Following this, the board will begin to hear agenda items and following discussion, make necessary motions. Application types will vary per board and/or profession but disciplinary motions are consistent across the professions. The Chair will decide when and if breaks or lunch are needed. Once all items on the agenda are heard, the Chair will call for a motion to adjourn. 2.4.1 ImageAPI User Guide Web-iViewer User Guide Board members and staff utilize a secure web-based application to review board meeting materials. This application allows the efficient and portable review of high volume confidential documents. ImageAPI User Guide (pdf) 8 Revised 12/5/2024 - New Board Members Handbook